SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (c) 2006-2020, Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
3 // Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
4 // This file may be used, modified and/or redistributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD-License
5 // shipped with this file and also available at:
6 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #pragma once
15 #include <functional>
16 #include <optional>
17 #include <seqan3/std/ranges>
18 #include <type_traits>
23 namespace seqan3::detail
24 {
54 template <std::ranges::viewable_range resource_t,
55  std::semiregular algorithm_t,
56  std::semiregular algorithm_result_t,
57  typename execution_handler_t = execution_handler_sequential>
59  requires std::ranges::forward_range<resource_t> &&
60  std::invocable<algorithm_t, std::ranges::range_reference_t<resource_t>,
61  std::function<void(algorithm_result_t)>>
64 {
65 private:
70  using resource_type = std::views::all_t<resource_t>;
72  using resource_iterator_type = std::ranges::iterator_t<resource_type>;
81  using bucket_iterator_type = std::ranges::iterator_t<bucket_type>;
85  using buffer_iterator_type = std::ranges::iterator_t<buffer_type>;
90  {
94  };
96 public:
124  {
125  move_initialise(std::move(other));
126  }
134  {
135  move_initialise(std::move(other));
136  return *this;
137  }
157  algorithm_t algorithm,
158  algorithm_result_t const SEQAN3_DOXYGEN_ONLY(result) = algorithm_result_t{},
159  execution_handler_t && exec_handler = execution_handler_t{}) :
161  resource{std::views::all(resource)},
162  resource_it{std::ranges::begin(this->resource)},
164  {
165  if constexpr (std::same_as<execution_handler_t, execution_handler_parallel>)
166  buffer_size = static_cast<size_t>(std::ranges::distance(resource));
169  buffer_it = buffer.end();
171  }
190  {
191  fill_status status;
192  // Each invocation of the algorithm might produce zero results (e.g. a search might not find a query)
193  // this repeats the algorithm until it produces the first result or the input resource was consumed.
194  do { status = fill_buffer(); } while (status == fill_status::empty_buffer);
196  if (status == fill_status::end_of_resource)
197  return {std::nullopt};
199  assert(status == fill_status::non_empty_buffer);
200  assert(bucket_it != buffer_it->end());
202  std::optional<algorithm_result_t> result = std::ranges::iter_move(bucket_it);
203  go_to_next_result(); // Go to next buffered result.
204  return result;
205  }
208  bool is_eof() noexcept
209  {
210  return resource_it == std::ranges::end(resource);
211  }
213 private:
216  {
217  if (!is_buffer_empty()) // Not everything consumed yet.
218  return fill_status::non_empty_buffer;
220  if (is_eof()) // Case: reached end of resource.
221  return fill_status::end_of_resource;
223  // Reset the buckets and the buffer iterator.
224  reset_buffer();
226  // Execute the algorithm (possibly asynchronous) and fill the buckets in this pre-assigned order.
228  {
229  exec_handler.execute(algorithm, *resource_it, [target_buffer_it = buffer_end_it] (auto && algorithm_result)
230  {
231  target_buffer_it->push_back(std::move(algorithm_result));
232  });
233  }
235  exec_handler.wait();
237  // Move the results iterator to the next available result. (This skips empty results of the algorithm)
240  if (is_buffer_empty())
241  return fill_status::empty_buffer;
243  return fill_status::non_empty_buffer;
244  }
249  bool is_buffer_empty() const
250  {
251  return buffer_it == buffer_end_it;
252  }
263  {
264  // Clear all buckets
265  for (auto & bucket : buffer)
266  bucket.clear();
268  // Reset the iterator over the buckets.
269  buffer_it = buffer.begin();
270  }
281  {
282  assert(buffer_it <= buffer_end_it);
283  // find first buffered bucket that contains at least one element
284  buffer_it = std::find_if(buffer_it, buffer_end_it, [] (auto const & buffer)
285  {
286  return !buffer.empty();
287  });
289  if (buffer_it != buffer_end_it)
290  bucket_it = buffer_it->begin();
291  }
301  {
302  if (++bucket_it == buffer_it->end())
303  {
304  ++buffer_it;
306  }
307  }
312  {
313  algorithm = std::move(other.algorithm);
314  buffer_size = std::move(other.buffer_size);
315  exec_handler = std::move(other.exec_handler);
316  // Get the old resource position.
317  auto old_resource_position = std::ranges::distance(std::ranges::begin(other.resource),
318  other.resource_it);
319  // Move the resource and set the iterator state accordingly.
320  resource = std::move(other.resource);
321  resource_it = std::ranges::next(std::ranges::begin(resource), old_resource_position);
323  // Get the old buffer and bucket iterator positions.
324  auto buffer_it_position = other.buffer_it - other.buffer.begin();
325  auto buffer_end_it_position = other.buffer_end_it - other.buffer.begin();
327  std::ptrdiff_t bucket_it_position = 0;
328  if (buffer_it_position != buffer_end_it_position)
329  bucket_it_position = other.bucket_it - other.buffer_it->begin();
331  // Move the buffer and set the buffer and bucket iterator accordingly.
332  buffer = std::move(other.buffer);
333  buffer_it = buffer.begin() + buffer_it_position;
334  buffer_end_it = buffer.begin() + buffer_end_it_position;
336  if (buffer_it_position != buffer_end_it_position)
337  bucket_it = buffer_it->begin() + bucket_it_position;
338  }
341  execution_handler_t exec_handler{};
348  algorithm_t algorithm{};
359  size_t buffer_size{1};
360 };
368 template <typename resource_rng_t, std::semiregular algorithm_t, std::semiregular algorithm_result_t>
369 algorithm_executor_blocking(resource_rng_t &&, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t const &) ->
372 } // namespace seqan3::detail
T begin(T... args)
A blocking algorithm executor for algorithms.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:64
buffer_type buffer
The buffer storing the algorithm results in buckets.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:351
void reset_buffer()
Resets the buckets.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:262
bucket_iterator_type bucket_it
The bucket iterator pointing to the next result within the current bucket.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:357
fill_status fill_buffer()
Fills the buffer by storing the results of an algorithm invocation into a pre-assigned bucket.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:215
resource_type resource
The underlying resource.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:344
algorithm_executor_blocking(resource_rng_t &&, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t const &) -> algorithm_executor_blocking< resource_rng_t, algorithm_t, algorithm_result_t, execution_handler_sequential >
Deduce the type from the provided arguments and set the sequential execution handler.
std::ranges::iterator_t< resource_type > resource_iterator_type
The iterator over the underlying resource.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:72
buffer_iterator_type buffer_it
The iterator pointing to the current bucket in the buffer.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:353
Deleted default constructor because this class manages an external resource.
std::ranges::iterator_t< buffer_type > buffer_iterator_type
The iterator type of the buffer.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:85
algorithm_executor_blocking(algorithm_executor_blocking &&other) noexcept
Move constructs the resource of the other executor.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:123
algorithm_executor_blocking(algorithm_executor_blocking const &)=delete
This class provides unique ownership over the managed resource and is therefor not copyable.
bool is_eof() noexcept
Checks whether the end of the input resource was reached.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:208
algorithm_executor_blocking(resource_t resource, algorithm_t algorithm, algorithm_result_t const result=algorithm_result_t{}, execution_handler_t &&exec_handler=execution_handler_t{})
Constructs this executor with the given resource range.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:156
size_t buffer_size
The end get pointer in the buffer.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:359
execution_handler_t exec_handler
The execution policy.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:341
void find_next_non_empty_bucket()
Finds the first non-empty bucket starting from the current position of the buffer iterator.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:280
buffer_iterator_type buffer_end_it
The iterator pointing behind the last bucket (must not be the end of the buffer).
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:355
resource_iterator_type resource_it
The iterator over the resource that stores the current state of the executor.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:346
std::optional< algorithm_result_t > next_result()
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:189
algorithm_t algorithm
The algorithm to invoke.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:348
Return status for seqan3::detail::algorithm_executor_blocking::fill_buffer.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:90
@ end_of_resource
The end of the resource was reached.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:93
@ empty_buffer
The buffer is empty after calling fill_buffer.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:92
@ non_empty_buffer
The buffer is not fully consumed yet and contains at least one element.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:91
std::ranges::iterator_t< bucket_type > bucket_iterator_type
The iterator type of a bucket.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:81
void go_to_next_result()
Moves the bucket iterator to the next available result.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:300
std::views::all_t< resource_t > resource_type
The underlying resource type.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:70
algorithm_executor_blocking & operator=(algorithm_executor_blocking &&other)
Move assigns from the resource of another executor.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:133
algorithm_executor_blocking & operator=(algorithm_executor_blocking const &)=delete
This class provides unique ownership over the managed resource and is therefor not copyable.
bool is_buffer_empty() const
Whether the internal buffer is empty.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:249
void move_initialise(algorithm_executor_blocking &&other) noexcept
Helper function to move initialise this from other.
Definition: algorithm_executor_blocking.hpp:311
T empty(T... args)
T end(T... args)
Provides seqan3::detail::execution_handler_parallel.
Provides seqan3::detail::execution_handler_sequential.
T find_if(T... args)
auto const move
A view that turns lvalue-references into rvalue-references.
Definition: move.hpp:70
The internal SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
Adaptations of concepts from the Ranges TS.
T resize(T... args)